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Big Cig 60 tablets - A herbal non nicotine based Smoking cessation Aid

Big Cig 60 tablets - A herbal non nicotine based Smoking cessation Aid

Regular price Rs. 570.00
Regular price Rs. 570.00 Sale price Rs. 570.00
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Big Cig herbal tablets are a natural formulation with multiherb ingredients. They are effective in supporting your cause to stop smoking and help you control your tendencies to smoke. 

Ingredients - What Does It Contain?    

  1. Sunthi 
  2. Tvak 
  3. Tulsi 
  4. Jathi Phalam 
  5. Vacha 
  6. Ela 
  7. Lavanga 

Benefits - What’s In It For You?    

  • Helps you quit smoking   

How To Use  

Ideally, it is advised to chew 1-2 tablets when the mind tends to smoke. Taper the dose gradually or as directed by the physician. 

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