About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient system of natural and medical healing originated in India. Ayur means Life and Veda means Science. Thus the Ayurveda means the science of life. It gives a total approach to health, healing and longevity. This holistic system of medicine is supposed to be the oldest form of health care system available on planet today. This unique system of healing believes in not only treating the ailments of body alone but also the mind and spirit.
According to Ayurveda, everything in nature – the body, foods, season etc, are all composed of five elements originally called as Panchamahabhoothas. These are earth, water, Fire, Air and Space. Vaidyas group these five elements into 3 categories, called Doshas. These are the Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They believe that an imbalance in these doshas causes illness. Ayurveda believes in treating the sick and restoring the health of a healthy person.
Atharva veda lists eight divisions of Ayurveda. These are Kayachikitsa (general medicine), Kaumara-bhritya tantra (Paediatrics), Shalya tantra (Surgery), Śālākya-tantra (ENT & ophthalmology), Bhuta vidya (Psychiatry), Agada tantra (toxicology), Rasayana tantra (Geriatrics), Vajikarana tantra (aphrodisiacs).
- Motto of Ayurveda is:Swasthasya syasthya rakshanam, Aaturashcha vikar prashamanam
- Means:Preservation to health of healthy person and treating ailments with breaking causative factors of pathogenesis
There is a beautiful Hindu mythological story regarding the origin of Ayurveda. Lord ‘Bramha’ is known as the creator of universe. He had great knowledge and power. He was divine. He imparted the knowledge of Ayurveda to a sage named “Dakshaprajapati”, who received it through deep meditation. Later on this was passed to twin brothers named Ashwinao who were known as physicians of Gods. Finally king of Gods lord Indra received this knowledge. Later on the enlighted sages became concerned with the suffering of mankind on earth caused due to illness and pains.
While all this happened in the heavens, the humanity continued to be plagued by pains and illnesses. Great seers meditated upon remedies for the numerous human maladies but in vain. It was then three eminent sages Dhanwantari, Bharadwaja and Kashyapa were deputed to go to Indra for learning the divine service of healing. Ayurveda thus descended from the skies to alleviate suffering on the mortal plane.
History of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a branch of medicine which originated and is practiced in India for more than 5000 years. It is as fresh and useful to humans today as it was in the ancient times yet more relevant and applicable in these modern times. Its use provides a holistic approach to our daily lives.The Ayurvedic 'dincharya' or daily schedule helps to bring about peace and harmony in one's life. Ayurvedic daily life routines are meant to enhance the total health of man, both mental and physical. They are easy to follow and are not liable to cause trauma of any kind to the body or mind.
According to Ayurvedic lifestyle, one should get 7-8 hours sleep daily. On waking up in the morning, one should drink a glass of warm water which helps in flushing out toxins collected in the body overnight. One should wake up early in the morning and go for a walk. Personal hygiene is essential for a consistent good health. Regular brushing of teeth and tongue freshens the mouth, keeps the teeth healthy and removes the cause of bad breath. Brushing of teeth is preferably done after every meal. Washing of face should include washing eyes, nose and ears. Nails and hair should be kept trimmed and clean.
All meals should be regularly taken and at a set time daily so as to keep the body system functioning optimally. Food items from nature are best for regular meals.Clean clothes should be worn daily. It is more beneficial to wear clothes made out of cotton, silk, linens and wool which are natural fibers.
One should do regular light exercises to keep the body supple and improve blood circulation to all parts of the body. Regular exercise includes walking, swimming and yoga amongst other light exercises, helping to maintain good health by making a person mentally relaxed and more active, alert, happy and strong; it also improves appetite and aids in more rapid removal of wastes from the body.. A regular massage of the whole body with herbal oils enhances the effects of a regular exercise and makes the skin supple.
Ayurvedic medicine also helps in rapidly removing toxic elements from the body if one gets sick enabling him to recover his health quickly.
Ayurveda has today occupied an essential devote beauty treatment and care. Using varied herbal treatments and herbal formulations, Ayurvedic beauty treatment methods are completely natural and provides the greatest results. Not just natural herbal treatments play a huge role in internal health insurance and well-being but additionally on exterior health and beauty. With herbal beauty treatment, your body and soul becomes complete which is apparent inside your overall look. The wonder therapy of Ayurveda has proven its recognition among its customers.
Probably the most important causes of the growing utilization of Ayurveda in beauty and skincare is this fact system can clearly enhance a obvious, glowing skin along with happiness and relaxation which otherwise can't be accomplished by cosmetics. It lays focus on internal beauty.
The proper care of Ayurveda handles overall wellness from the body, growing hair regrowth, enhancing vision, hands and feet care. The good thing would be that the herbal treatments remove all of the toxic wastes in the body, causing you to feel fresh and happy. There's a feeling of mental peace and peace.
Ayurveda talks about three types of beauty: inner beauty; outer beauty; and lasting beauty, the kind that doesn't fade with age. Create inner beauty is reflected in the skin that you show the world. Besides eating the right foods, getting enough rest and meditating regularly, one other way to boost your skin's beauty from the inside and to look more youthful.