Most sought Ayurvedic medicines after delivery
Had a recent delivery? Well, congrats, and stay safe and happy.
Now you need some special care, just like when you were pregnant, right?
- Your baby is safe in the new world; your near and dear ones are helping you most probably.
- Whatever the case may be, you have to remain healthy and happy to care for your child. You have to be on your own.
In the present era, fast-paced life has evolved so much that you also think to jump out of your bed after delivery and resume your work as soon as possible.
Is it beneficial and needed badly??
If you are saying your body needs some rest, your answer is Correct!
Your body needs the care to prevent physical and mental strain.
- Joint pain, swelling in the feet, mental depression; all these are associated with delivery.
- If a lady says that she feels helpless and cries to you often within six months of her delivery, that can be a symptom of postpartum depression.
- Convince her that everything is going to be alright, counsel her and help her to do her daily tasks.
- Ifs she is having less breast milk and physical exhaustion also, give her Ayurvedic medicines like Shatavari capsule, Navajeeva kalpalehyam.
- Shatavari increases milk and vitality give her sound sleep.
- Navajeevakalpa lehyam, when taken one tsp twice a day after food, improve her physical and mental energy levels and boosts immunity.
- It contains the goodness of Jeeraka, Aswagandha Shatavari, Pippali, Haritaki etc.
- Your food also should be light and fortified with pepper, ginger etc., to improve the digestive power. Dasamoolarishta, Jeerakarista are also part of Ayurvedic post-delivery care. Your acidity and gas trouble will be cured by having Amla capsules daily twice a day after food.
- Milk and sweet rice pudding are helpful to nourish your body.
- You should also drink more water to reduce the chances of dehydration and urine infection.
- In painful areas of the body, Ayurvedic antiseptic leap, the paste can be applied.
- Keep an eye on the baby; even a slight rash on the skin can be a hint to consider the baby’s response to the external environment.
- When body functions are coming back to normalcy, you will also feel bouncing energy in your body.
- Be happy and optimistic to help your baby know this world.
Babies are gifts of God. Nature will help you to care for this precious gift.
Mommies health, when assured, makes the kids care to be possible.
Be wise and help your child to become friendly to the world.