Top Remedies for Respiratory Care in Winter

Top Remedies for Respiratory Care in Winter

The cold atmosphere in the winter season may not be always suitable for you.  Are you having a little bit of breathing difficulty or frequent cough and cold? 

You can have a runny nose  sneezing w wheezing like problems in this part of the ear. Are you having any allergies or is it a mild reaction to the atmospheric changes in winter This you have to sort out and change your routine accordingly. 

If yes you have to adapt your diet and lifestyle to make yourself suitable for the seasonal changes in the winters because of the presence of rain or snow in the sky.  Did you notice in those cloud covered days even animals tend to hibernate in this season? Your body needs more food and energy and your digestive fire will be the strongest in this period of the year. So you will feel pretty hungry too! 






Causes for respiratory issues in winter  

As per the seasonal changes in winter, dry air makes your nasal and respiratory tract also dry. When you are exposed to winter and if are not giving moisture internally and externally to your body, dry cough like symptoms appear making your daily life a little bit tough.  

Dry and cold food, excessive travel during winter, not getting proper sleep - all these can provoke wind energy Vata dosha in your body. Taking too many cold and frozen food items and exposure to cold wind increases Kapha in your body. So the key is to balance these energies to be healthy and active in the winter season.  

The concept of Prakriti  

We all have an inherent physical and mental constitution which we call Prakriti in Ayurveda. To remain healthy throughout the year, you have to choose a suitable diet and lifestyle as per your Prakriti. If you want long-lasting health and wellness, you have to adopt a seasonal regimen called Ritucharya in Ayurvedic texts.  

The winter diet  

  • In the cool weather of winter try to eat warm, cooked and little oily food added with little bit of spices and with a balance of six tastes as told in the Winter regimen in Ayurveda.  
  • You can consume warm beverages like dry ginger coffee Chukk kaapi to always remain immune to external dry windy weather 
  • You can take vegetables like radish, carrot, garlic, ginger, black pepper and cook the grains like oats, rice, barley, whole-wheat cereals and legumes like lentils, mung bean, Toor Dal and Urad Dal. Try making warm soups with a little pepper and rock salt. This will add more taste and promote digestion also easily.  






  • Nuts and seeds like almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds are good to take in leisure periods. They are crunchy and yummy too! 
  • Turmeric milk is taken lukewarm also helps to keep the blood purified and aids in respiratory health. This combination is hailed for its anti-allergic properties.  

Avoid these in winter 

  • Avoid too many cold drinks and fruit shakes and reduce the use of cold dry food items.   
  • Avoid skipping meals and eating large amounts of food leading to indigestion.  

Adopt these in winter 

  • Always adopt relaxation techniques in this season, practice meditation.  
  • Wear bright warm colours like red or orange 
  • Cover your ear, neck, head with a scarf while going out. 
  • You can practice sun salutation (Surya namaskar) Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, side plank, alternate nostril breathing etc. daily.  Sun salutation clears throat, sinus and relieves congestion. 
  • You can bask in sunlight also a little bit probably in the early morning or evening. Sunrays relax muscles produce vitamin D and induce healthy sleep patterns. 

What not to do in winter  

  • Avoid too much exertion and mental stress these days.  
  • Try not to be in too much hurry burry in winter. A proper routine and lifestyle is the key to health in winter.  

Colds and the winter season  

Colds in the winter season occur due to the predominance of Kapha and Vata energies in the body and specifically running nose is caused by excess wind energy Vata.  Kapha causes excessive mucus accumulation.  When you do Nasya properly, this problem is solved naturally.  

To do Nasya properly, lie on your back with your face up with a pillow under your shoulders. Slowly pour one drop each in your nostrils and remain there for at least two minutes after you have completed instilling the drops.  

Ayurvedic take on respiratory care  

Ayurveda says to incorporate medicines like Agasthya vyoshadi lehyam in daily routine to prevent and reduce seasonal respiratory issues. Ayurvedic healthcare focusses on boosting immunity and strengthening mind and body equally.  

Agasthya vyoshadi  lehyam 

Agasthya vyoshadi lehyam is a time-tested non-sedating formula in a semisolid form. It is indicated in cough, sneezing, sore throat, cold. It is suitable for all age groups as it is sweet and has high palatability.  

Ingredients like ginger, pepper, Pippali are prepared in a jaggery base in this formulation. This medicine reduces all sorts of respiratory infections.  it is an excellent immunomodulator free from sedatives, narcotics and antihistamines. The presence of flavonoids, steroids tannins triterpenoids in dashamoola makes this formula anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic 

This is a non-sedative remedy for cough and asthma.  Trikatu (pepper, ginger, long pepper) helps to clear the respiratory tract. It clears the excess Kapha from the sinus and respiratory pathways. Plumbago Rosea is a powerful antiseptic, antioxidant. Ginger reduces flu, cold, respiratory infections etc.  

Pathyashadangam tablet  

 A combo of Triphala and turmeric like herbal ingredients even reduce frequent and acute episodes of a migraine attack, toothache, earache, inflammation due to eye infections. This medicine is ideal for sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and all types of headaches disturbing you.  

Herbal ingredients like triphala and turmeric in Pathyashadangam tablet give anti-inflammatory, antioxidant action helping to cleanse your airways and promote immunity.  

Bipha healthcare has always advocated Ayurveda basic principles and formed formulated effective medicines as well as time tested. Bipha has developed formulations that are cent per cent natural and free from preservatives and harmful chemicals. Breath effortlessly through Ayurvedic healthcare.  

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