Tips for Respiratory Care in Monsoon

Tips for Respiratory Care in Monsoon

As the rain showers down, it washes out all the dust in the atmosphere. But as the rain drops hit the weeds, grasses, and the beautiful inflorescences it breaks the clumps of pollen into smaller particles. Even though it is as per nature's plan for pollen propagation. And also, there are other dust and allergens that causes allergies during the rains. Not only allergic persons it but others those who are not allergic generally also shows respiratory distress during the damp monsoon. Due to the cold and wet climate and increased allergens in the atmosphere, It brings about some health issues, mainly respiratory problems in humans. 

Common respiratory issues in monsoon 

  • Common cold 
  • Asthma 
  • COPD 
  • Allergies 
  • Migraine and headache 
  • Sinusitis  

In this context, it becomes a necessity to check for the respiratory care Ayurveda measures that are to be observed during the Rains. 

Monsoon health care precautions 

 Health precautions to be observed during the monsoon includes; 

  • Eat healthy- Avoid heavy, hot and spicy, and oily food items. Take light food, lukewarm water, and vegetables like different varieties of gourds, seeds like fenugreek and almonds. 
  • Keep the residence and surroundings clean and warm. Avoid chances of contamination with pollen, dust, and microbial spores. 
  • Keep the apparels and foot wears dry and clean. 
  • Include light exercise and massage in daily routine. 
  • Include Kapha reducing spices like pepper, turmeric, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and honey in diet. It helps to open the blocked respiratory pathway.  
  •  Ayurveda in monsoon opines that steam inhalation with turmeric and tulsi added to the water, gargling with lukewarm water added with rock salt/common salt crystals and turmeric, and frequent consumption of ½ tsp of pure honey can shield respiratory infections, headache, and sinus infections to a great extent. 

Here are our best products to help you with respiratory health issues in the monsoon. 

Dasamoolakaduthrayam tablets: 

It's an excellent expectorant classical formulation, which is a blend of dashamoolas(10 medicinal roots) and trikatu (three pungents, pepper, long pepper and ginger).    

It clears out all the phlegm accumulated along the respiratory pathway and aids easy respiration. It also prevents swasa & kasa (respiratory disorders especially cough, asthma), jwara(pyrexia), common cold, rhinitis, and gives relief from bronchitis, common cold, traumatic inflammation of the chest. 

The classical formulation of  Dasamoolakaduthrayam Kashaya is redesigned as caplets for patients' convenience and palatability without compromising the quality. 

Dasamoolakaduthrayam kashaya caplet is a sugar free formulation and can be consumed by diabetic patients also. 


Dashamoola - group of ten herbs;Bilva - Aegle marmelos, Agnimantha - Premna mucronata, Shyonaka - Oroxylum indicum, Patala - Stereospermum suaveolens, Gambhari - Gmelina arborea, Brihati - Solanum indicum, Kantakari - Solanum xanthocarpum, Gokshura - Tribulus terrestris, Shalaparni - Desmodium gangeticum, Prishnaparni - Uraria picta, Katutraya - refers to Trikatu ;Pepper, long pepper and ginger. This also includes Vasa - Adhatoda vasica among the ingredients.  


Cough, cold, sore throat, nasal congestion. 

Recommended Dose :2 caplets twice daily before food. 

Agasthyavyoshadi lehyam 

Agasthya vyoshadi lehyam is a specially designed combination of two classical Ayurvedic formulations, Agasthya Rasayana and Vyoshadi Vataka. It’s a non-sedative safe formula in a semi-solid form(lehya). 

Its major ingredients are exotic spices such as Ginger, Pepper, and Long pepper, Sida cordifolia, Clerodendrum serratumm etc. in a jaggery base. It is also free from sedatives, narcotics and antihistamines. 

Because of the sweet taste and high palatability, Agasthyavyoshadi  can be given to all age groups including children. It reduces respiratory infections and acts as an excellent immunomodulator.  


Bilva root-Aegle marmelos , Gambari root-Gmelina arborea, Patala root- Stereospermum suaveolens, Syonaka root- Oroxylum indicum,  Agnimantha root- Premna mucronata, Prishniparni root- Uraria picta , Shalaparni root- Desmodium gangeticum, Bhrihathi root- Solanum indicum, Thikthaka root, Gokshura fruit- Tribulus terrestris, Shati rhizome, Chithraka root, Gajapippali root, Bala root, Shunti rhizome, Maricham fruit, Yava fruit,Jaggery. 


It helps to combat cough, sneezing, sore throat, the common cold. 

Recommended   Dose 

1tsp twice daily after food. 

Padhya shadangam tablet A classical remedy mainly for migraine and vascular headache. The herbal extract of  Padhyashadangam kashayam is made into tablet form making it more palatable and easier to use. 

It reduces the acuteness and frequency of migraine attacks. This medicine also soothes toothache, earache, etc. It also helps to relieve inflammatory diseases of the eye and improves vision. It also aids sinusitis, and other chronic inflammations of the ear, nose, and throat.  It is mainly enriched with the inclusion of Triphala,  Turmeric, and Neem. They makes the tablets anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-oxidant. 

So, it efficiently combats respiratory infections and clears the airways to perform its action in an efficient manner. Thus, Padhyashadangam tablet acts beneficial in chronic migraine and all types of vascular headaches. 


Amla-Emblica officianalis, Bibhithaki-Terminalia bellarica , Haritaki-Terminalia chebula, Neem-Azhadirachta indica, Haridra-Curcuma longa, Brihathi-Solanum indicum. 


Migraine and vascular head ache. 

Recommended Dose: 

Two tablets twice daily before food.   

Role of Bipha health care in monsoon respiratory care 

It is always said that 'prevention is better than cure’. Prevention of all the possible respiratory infections and associated ailments are to be done with at most care during the onset of monsoon. 

Now the monsoon has already approached and you are supposed to take all the possible precautions to counter the seasonal ailments. Bipha healthcare is here with you to provide the maximum help with all our resources to encounter these ailments. The above-mentioned medicinal combinations are substantiating this fact. You can utilize them with the most trust and you will be benefitted with great satisfaction. 

Bipha health care is designing each of its products with zero artificial preservatives and flavor. And also with best quality raw materials, at our own manufacturing unit. The products are manufactured, packed and despatched with at most care and hygiene, so that we can supply good quality products to you with at most hygiene. So, when this monsoon hits our roof and balcony, run to it and enjoy the splash with no worries. A perfect solution for monsoon-related respiratory diseases are ready for you here at Bipha healthcare. Boost your immunity with Bipha and enjoy the monsoon.  


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