Midnight cry of your baby solved easily! 7 tips

Midnight cry of your baby solved easily! 7 tips

  • You must be thinking how many times you were feeling difficulty to handle your baby waking at the midnight and crying.
  • Elders in your home may have told you that it can be due to digestion problems in the child or simply due to teething.

What is the real reason?

  • If you see the child touching belly and crying loudly, you can think of indigestion as a reason.
  • If this is not the reason, then probably the baby will be developing primary teeth with little bit of pain in gum and cheeks.

Let us see and rule out each cause for discomfort for your little champ.

Stomach pain in your baby can occur due to

  1. Gas – You can apply Castor oil (slightly warmed placed in a spoon in hot water) on the belly of the baby and massage the body, then cover the belly with a betel leaf.
  2. Constipation – Try to give your child Gripe water at least twice in a week.
  3. Weak digestion – Give the baby Ajwain powder mixed with little rock salt before food twice a day.
  4. Worm Uramarunnu medicine with the goodness of Moringa oleifera, Leucas aspera, Ferula foetida is good for indigestion, gas, acidity, and worm problems. You can give this to your baby mixed with breastmilk after 28 days of birth.
  5. Change in sleep patterns – Relaxation is the key for your baby's sound sleep. You can try singing a sweet lullaby for your little one and cuddle more and more.
  6. Excessive hunger – Giving fruit juices and rice porridge is apt for your baby.
  7. Teething – Giving the baby a small banana or a piece of carrot is helpful to promote safe teething and reduce discomfort. 

How to take care of the tender body of your baby?

  • You can have a specialized daily routine for your little one.
  • Like, have a personalized bathing tub for your baby decorated with a good number of stuffed toys, colourful and refreshing bathing experience will be guaranteed through this!
  • Now take the ayurvedic bath oil for your baby.
  • You can use either Eladi or Nalpamaradi or can use a mix of these oils also. Massage the body softly with the oil for at least 5 minutes.
  • You can use green gram powder or an Ayurvedic herbal bar to bathe the baby.
  • After a soothing bath session, clean the delicate baby’s body with a soft wipe cloth or cotton towel.
  • Giving ayurvedic medicines like Uramarunnu tablet along with daily routine ensures good health for your little one.

Whatever be the cause, understanding and caring for your baby is the top most priority. Your young generation needs to be strong as you or even more than you. You will not take chances to give that extra care of fresh herbs to them. Role of Bipha Healthcare in caring your baby

Starting from pregnancy care, post-partum care and baby’s care is also told effectively in Ayurveda.

 Bipha Ayurveda has an exclusive range of products like Dasamoolarishtam, Navajeevakalpalehyam for mothers and baby oil, bathing bars, cream, and tablets like Uramarunnu for babies.


Think quality and efficacy for your baby’s overall health care.

Choose Bipha Healthcare.

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