Diabetes now easily managed through Ayurveda!

Diabetes now easily managed through Ayurveda!

You have read this headline in many places. You might have tried many home remedies also. What makes you again feel tired?

Maybe you also think about the ill effects of your prolonged medicine usage due to your Diabetes.   

  • Surely, we can help you improve your condition.

When did your Diabetes start?

  • Remember when you felt weakness, excessive thirst, and hunger for some months?
  • You went to the nearby lab and found your fasting blood sugar levels to be greater than 126 gm /dL.
  • You were diagnosed as Type 2 diabetes affected person.
  • You thought of your uncle who is regularly taking Insulin that too being a type 1 diabetes patient.

You can relax for one reason, even though you have to take medicine, you can control your Diabetes effectively using Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle advices.

More medicines to help your blood sugar levels to be in check are also available in Ayurveda. Say, Turmeric, Amla. So, simple Ayurvedic herbs are part of wonderful Diabetes remedies in Ayurveda.

What caused your condition?

  • When your parents were young, if they had any risk of Diabetes, it is likely that you also got that same genetic tendency.
  • If you are fonder of artificial sweets, bakery junk foods, and having a sedentary lifestyle, you are fond of Diabetes too.
  • If you are obese and have increased blood pressure for months or years, you can think about the chances of becoming Diabetic.

What to take?

  • You can have fresh fruits and vegetables with more water content, turmeric, fenugreek, bitter gourd is good to include in your food.






  • You can use green tea and tulsi tea often or refreshment.
  • Just take care to avoid refrigerated, deep-fried, oily snacks and food, fermented yoghurt, cheese etc. in diet.

More personalised suggestions for you.

  • Have a Triphala capsule at bedtime with warm water and an Amla capsule twice a day after food to give toxification to your body.
  • To prevent infections and also to purify blood, Turmeric capsule is good.
  • Research studies have pointed out the efficacy of Shilajit capsule in balancing blood sugar levels. To be precise, when you have to rectify your reproductive system-related issues, Shilajit is a wonderful option.
  • Turmeric and amla together forms one of the most effective combinations in Ayurveda, the Rajanyamalakadi tablet. This tablet can be taken twice a day with pure organic honey.

Ayurveda says about applying oil, steam bath, powder massage and medicated enema are really helpful to manage Diabetes.

Ayurveda calls it Madhumeha , urine which is like honey.

You know, diabetes mellitus also means urine just like honey. 

 Same meaning, more effective treatment!

 Ayurveda says it all, trust and feel the improvement in your health. 

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