Baldness and some unknown facts!
Joseph had no other way around when he started to feel insecure and lonely. During those soul finding journeys, he discovered the beauty of his inner thoughts. He was never shy to show himself to the world, he was confident.
In that period of life, he was unable to cope up with the stress of work and started neglecting body care. After a year, he got a promotion after struggles. Yet there started another problem. He had thinning of hair and hair fall in large amount, which made him bald.
He searched for remedies everywhere, many of them involved expensive therapies and chemicals. That didn’t appeal the inner nature lover in him. He remained mum when it came to decision making in that aspect.
He could never forget his mission in life to search something useful for himself. He wanted to discover the true herbs which are pure and with highest potency to help his hair roots and calm his mind.
Then one day, he was on the journey to the Himalayas. On the way, he could see exotic herbs. In the evening, he met a local guide explaining benefits of Amla, Bhringaraj, Brahmi like herbs to the tourists.
On the way, he took his phone and searched on Google if these herbs were of use to him also. He read some articles stating baldness and Ayurvedic herbal remedies.
Baldness, causes?
Causes can be ranging from emotional conflicts, stress, genetic factors and excessive hair loss from diseases like hyperthyroidism. Yet, the heat energy in the body is seen to be high when there is more hair fall. It can also occur as a result of Cancer therapies.
What to eat and not to eat?
Simply avoiding excessive hot, spicy, oily, fried food helps to reduce heat energy in the body. Make a diet with water content rich foods like Cucumber and cooling spices like coriander, Khus root. Avoid too much tea, coffee, soft drink consumption. Give some time for fruit juices like Amla, Aloe etc.
Prevention is better than cure
- When you have baldness due to hereditary causes, it’s not reversible or can be only delayed by hair care regimen like hair oil application, hair pack and therapies like Shirodhara (pouring of medicated liquid on scalp).
- Be proactive to deal with stress and strain in life easily. Practise Yoga, Pranayama, meditation etc. for relaxation.
- If you have developed hair thinning slightly, at that stage using Ayurvedic products help you regain volume and shine of hair effectively.
- If you have a dry hair, have more soothing, nourishing things added to your hair pack. Say, egg yolk, Aloe Vera to give moisture and lustre to your hair strands.
- If you have more of an oily type of hair, mix some Triphala powder to your hair pack, wash it off with Shikakai powder. This will wipe out excessive oil content and keep the hair clean and presentable.
- If you have progressed more to a bald nature of scalp, avoid excessive sunlight and heat exposure. E.g., Keeping helmet on head for longer periods.
- If you are not sure of strength of your hair follicles, you shall have a try on internal Ayurvedic supplements like Amla, Brahmi even available as capsules.
Applying some thing is not the END of the game.
Keeping hair good, having proper diet, lifestyle and a sound mind along with optimistic outlook about self and others is the key for grandeur success in life.
Some important aspects for your healthy hair
- Usage of herbal cleansers free from chemicals. Shampooing with Ayurvedic shampoos or powders like Triphala and Shikakai paste is good.
- Use of hair packs to exfoliate scalp and improve circulation like Amla , indigo , henna etc.
- Use of hair oils like Neelibhringadi and Keshavardhini depending on your hair type and condition.
- Use of nutritious diet with rich in Vitamin C ,Vitamin A , Vitamin B12 , Iron , Calcium etc. Have more of green leafy veggies and fruits like pomegranate and Amla in your diet often.
- Proper intake of water is necessary for maintaining hydration levels in your hair.
- Strengthening of immunity is important as your overall health is proportional to your immunity. This makes you super strong from inside also.
- Sound sleep and healthy mind free from stress are always required. You can do daily Yoga practice to tone body and mind for this.
Internally when we are clean and fine, if our appetite, sleep and bodily processes are good enough then only we can have that so called wellness in life.
For everything , there is a specific method to apply and use. This is true for hair care also.
Rather than going behind all available products in the market , use trusted oils and herbal packs for nurturing your hair. Use packs once in week or two and the ingredients also differ as per your hair type. Adding hair growth supplements like Gro – hair capsules are also good for better hair growth. Be wise to choose the best option for your hair always.
Embrace yourself first.
Simple things can change life, if you are ready for a brand-new change, adopt Ayurveda.
Adopting something requires confidence and trust in that.
When you know core of your body and mind, you also will be able to embrace similar concepts in life.
Redefine yourself, feel confident and be nature friendly in Approach.
What Bipha offers you?
We at Bipha know your innate nature of body and mind and have formulated Ayurvedic medicines carefully so that it can help you the most. We need your overall progress in life. We are happy when you are at ease.
When you feel, you are fine, you will be convinced that you can change your body mind and even hair to normalcy. That attitude is what matters. Be the one who changes the game.