AYUSH-64 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1) What is AYUSH-64 AYUSH-64 is an Ayurvedic formulation which was developed by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), the apex body for research in Ayurveda under the Ministry of Ayush, for management of Malaria. This drug was repurposed as the ingredients showed notable antiviral, immune-modulator and antipyretic properties. The in-silico study done on AYUSH-64 showed that about 35 out of 36 of its Phyto-constituents have high binding affinity against COVID 19 virus. The formulation has also shown very promising results in Influenza like illness. With the scientific evidence generated from 06 clinical studies across India, AYUSH-64 has been identified as a potential adjunct to standard care in the management of asymptomatic, mild and moderate COVID-19 to improve the clinical recovery and quality of life.
2) Who can take AYUSH-64? It can be taken by patients at any stage of the COVID-19 disease. However, its scientific efficacy was scientifically studied in asymptomatic, mild and moderate disease without risk factors for poor outcome and those not requiring emergency interventions or hospitalization are eligible to take Ayush-64. Mild to moderate COVID-19 cases showing initial symptoms like fever, malaise, body ache, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, headache, cough etc. and asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 can preferably start AYUSH- 64 within 7 days of diagnosis of the disease through RT-PCR for better outcome.
3) Why should I take AYUSH-64? AYUSH-64 is found to significantly reduce the duration for clinical recovery in terms of disease symptoms and severity. It also has significant beneficial effects on general health, fatigue, anxiety, stress, appetite, general wellbeing and sleep.
4) Is its efficacy on COVID-19 scientifically proven? AYUSH-64 is a poly herbal formulation developed in compliance to all regulatory requirements and quality and pharmacopoeial standards by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) the apex body for research in Ayurveda under the Ministry of Ayush. It has been scientifically found to be useful in the treatment of asymptomatic, mild and moderate COVID-19 infection as an adjunct to standard care through robust clinical trials conducted in the country. The results of the clinical trials demonstrated that AYUSH-64 as an adjunct to standard of care (SoC) showed clinically significant improvement and thus lesser period of hospitalization as compared to SoC alone.
5) What is the ideal dose for AYUSH-64 in COVID-19 patients? The dose for asymptomatic COVID-19 case is 2 tablets of 500 mg twice daily one hour after meals with warm water for 14 days. The dose for mild to moderate cases is 2 tablets of 500 mg thrice daily one hour after meals with warm water for 14 days.
6) What are the side effects of AYUSH-64? Loose motions, can occur in some patients, which is self-limiting and does not require any medical intervention
7) Can AYUSH-64 be taken as prophylactic medicine also? It may be used for prophylaxis also, in a dose of 2 tablets of 500 mg twice daily, but its efficacy as a prophylactic agent has not been demonstrated through clinical studies. But if a person is exposed to a COVID-19 case, AYUSH-64 can be taken when symptoms appear. However, the person should get tested for COVID-19 through RT-PCR or Rapid antigen test and should follow SoC.
8) Should AYUSH-64 be taken as standalone treatment in mild cases? It can be taken as a standalone treatment in mild cases, under the strict supervision of an Ayurvedic physician; provided there is availability of appropriate referral facilities. However, it is advised that AYUSH-64 should be taken as adjunct to the SoC in mild to moderate disease, when the patient is under home isolation. AYUSH- 64, shall only be used as per the advice of a qualified Ayush practitioner.
9) For how many days, AYUSH-64 can be taken? AYUSH-64 can be taken for a minimum period of 14 days. However, if required, it can be taken up to 12 weeks, as per the advice of a qualified Ayush practitioner. It has been scientifically proven to be safe up to 12 weeks, through clinical studies.
10) How should AYUSH-64 be taken? It can be taken with warm water, preferably one hour after the food.
11) Can a COVID-19 patient with other comorbidities take AYUSH-64? Patients with co-morbidities like hypertension, diabetes etc., can take AYUSH-64 for asymptomatic, mild to moderate disease and are advised not to discontinue their respective medications.
12)Is AYUSH-64 safe, if taken after vaccination? Yes. If a person gets infected even after vaccination, AYUSH-64 can be taken within 7 days of testing RT-PCR positive for SARS CoV-2, in consultation with an Ayush Physician. However, evidence in favor of it has not been elicited through scientific studies.
13)Is it safe in pregnant and lactating women? The safety of AYUSH-64 is not established through scientific studies in pregnant and lactating women.
14)Is AYUSH-64 available in the market? It is available in market and can be purchased from Ayurvedic pharmacies. However, it should be ensured that, it should not be used as an over the counter prescription (OTC) and shall only be used under the supervision of Ayurvedic physicians.
15) What guidelines should I follow while taking AYUSH-64? There are no special precautions to be followed while using AYUSH-64. However, one must follow all the COVID-19 related guidelines given by Ministry of Ayush and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.