Ayurvedic Therapies for Post Covid Recovery and Resilience

Ayurvedic Therapies for Post Covid Recovery and Resilience


As we all know the whole world is fighting against the second wave of Covid-19 Pandemic, causing an uncountable health crisis globally. In the post COVID -19 sequalae recovered patients may continue to report wide variety of signs and symptoms including fatigue, lack of appetite and other digestive problems, body ache, head ache, cough, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, anxiety & mental fatigue etc.

A holistic approach is required for follow up care and well-being of all post COVID recovering patients. Here comes the importance of Ayurveda for the healthy and persistent wellness. Ayurveda offers a number of medicinal plants, traditionally used for thousands of years, identified for their interesting antioxidant, rejuvenative, antistress, adaptogenic and immunomodulatory activities; which helps to prevents the occurrence of disease in the body, counters the progress of disease in the body and helps to restore the health of mind and body in a natural way

Post-COVID Follow Up suggestions

  1. At individual level
  • Continue the practice of personal care measures (use of mask, hand & respiratory hygiene, Physical distancing)
  • Drink adequate amount of warm water.
  • Take immunity promoting supplements and medications in order to revitalize the strength of

 body and mind

  • If there is persistent dry cough / sore throat, do saline gargles and take steam inhalation. The addition of herbs/spices for gargling/steam inhalation
  • Follow rehabilitative and rejuvenative Ayurvedic therapies in order to regain homeostasis of body
  1. Diets and regiments to be followed
  • Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and Meditation, as much as health permits or as prescribed.
  • Breathing exercises as prescribed by treating physician.
  • Daily morning or evening walk at a comfortable pace as tolerated.
  • Balanced nutritious diet, preferably easy to digest freshly cooked soft diet.
  • Have adequate sleep and rest.
  • Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol

For the effective management to address this infection; Bipha enables us an unparalleled care by  traditional interventions along with standard of care. Bipha Healthcare has been the forerunner in ayurvedic solutions to most of the health issues in the body. In order to provide relief from the post COVID sequalae, Bipha health care offers products made from trusted ayurvedic formulations along with body rejuvenating and detoxifying therapies to attain strength and vitality 


Mainly includes :

  • Immunity enhancing combinations (Chukku kappi, Agasthya vyoshadi lehyam, Ayush kwath, Guduchi capsule, Amla capsule etc)
  • Restorative combinations (Blood In Draksha, Jeevaniya Tablet, Turmeric capsule etc)
  • Rejuvenative combinations (Chyavanaprasam, Aswagandha capsule etc)


In order to to provide a good hygiene Bipha offers a wide range of products as follows


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