Ayurvedic post delivery care for you
When the newly arrived little blossom in your home is playing in the crib, as a mother you feel so much pleasure. At times little back pain disturbs you, yet you want to enjoy that heavenly feel to its core.
During those days of pregnancy, you were taken care of with Dhanvantara tailam and other Ayurvedic medicines to solve your vomiting and gas trouble tendencies. Your pregnancy care was safe in the hands of Ayurveda, so is your post-partum care.
Do you remember this?
- Your granny might have told you about pregnancy care tips and medicines like Dasamoolarishtam and Nellikkaristam to purchase just before your delivery so that you can take them right after delivery.
- These are part of Ayurvedic medicines given after delivery which helps you to regain your bodily functions and strengthening your muscles.
Why to care much after delivery?
- Vata, the air related factor in our body gets out of balance when your baby comes out of your body.
- Dasamoola, the ideal ten herb combo for restoring Vata imbalance and Amla the rejuvenating tonic helps you regain your vitality easily.
- Arishta, the fermented preparations in Ayurveda aids to promote hunger, taste and digestion. Taking proper care also helps to prevent bone density loss and painful joint conditions affecting later in life for females.
- Navajeevana kalpam lehyam can help you be on own after delivery getting relieved from all the fatigue and painful conditions. Ayurvedic helps like Shatavari helps you to develop more breast milk and regain vitality of the body. Even your digestion problems and acidity will flee away after the regular use of this medicinal preparation.
- After delivery when the focus goes to the baby, you can also feel post-partum blues and related stress. Getting the help of a friend or a female relative can be the effective solution to be sought in the first place.
What can you do if you are having stress?
- Try reading self-help books.
- Sleep whenever the baby is also sleeping.
- Drink water boiled with Khus roots or Coriander seeds.
- Listen to soothing instrumental music when taking rest.
You must seek help of others also to help you in your daily routine for at least two weeks after delivery. Never forget to look after your baby’s response after giving milk and developing sweet bond with the little one in your hands. You have to be taking care of your health also along with the daily busy routine. Things take time to get accustomed to your body and mind. Feel free to go for a five-minute walk also along with your baby so that the little one also gets fresh air and sunshine.
- If any stress again troubles you, you can seek the help of Ayurvedic capsules like Stress care 60 capsules. Ayurvedic supplements are not habit forming and can be taken safely during lactation period also.
Thinking about restoring shape of your body and internal wellness?
You might have tightly wrapped your belly with cotton cloth during post-delivery regimen. Physical body shape will be restored in due course due to this. So, leave that doubt of yours aside.
What about internal wellness?
Many a times, you only are able to feel your cravings of the body and you feel to eat more food of your choice, yet you are not given care leading you to end up in digestion issues. Bloating of abdomen and pain also accompanies constipation for new mothers.
For constipation, Bowel ease tablet at bed time can be an ideal supplement. Have a cup of warm milk also along with this supplement.
Care for both of you..
Never take you and your baby’s daily bath routine lightly. Provide your little one refreshing feelings about bath by adding Nalpamaradi herbal bar and Dasapushpam oil in the bathing routine. Herbal ingredients in these will nurture their sense organs and help in keeping their skin and body soft and supple.
Ayurveda can help you be on the track again and nourish your baby’s growth and complete development.
Healthy body and mind are wealth to us. Gain health naturally through Ayurvedic herbs.
Feel the bliss of motherhood naturally through Ayurveda.