Ayurvedic Healthcare and way forward

Ayurvedic Healthcare and way forward

As we all know, Health is a dynamic process because it is always changing. According to WHO health is defined “as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Any change in the dynamic equilibrium of the constituents of the body caused by dietary, lifestyle, routine or climatic imbalances manifests itself as a disturbance in the physical and mental well-being of the person.

Ayurveda is an ancient science of life that emphasizes on maintenance and promotion of health and prevention of diseases through various dietary and lifestyle regimens and treatment of diseases through various therapeutic measures substantiating the principle “Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam” (maintaining the health of healthy persons) and “Athurashya Vikara Prasamanam”(curing the diseases of diseased).

Ayurveda is much more than the popular massages it has come to be associated with. It is a traditional system of Indian medicine that aims to preserve your health and wellness by keeping your mind, body, and spirit in balance. Ayurveda teaches us daily routine, seasonal regiments, dietary guidelines and guidelines for better mental health for maintenance, promotion of health and prevention of ailments; Panchakarma (purification therapy) and various medications for diseases and Rasayanas (rejuvenatives) to enhance health.

 Ayurvedic treatment and medicines use precious and powerful herbs with the help of trusted ayurvedic formulations to create medicines for various health problems. It is rather focused on to correct root causes than the symptoms of various diseases to give a complete relief from the illness and reduce further relapses. It not only builds immunity but also helps to restore the balance of tridoshas(vata,pitta & kapha) which enables to attain health and longevity.

Ayurveda shows us how to correct our lifestyles to lead a healthy lifestyle. Including a few Ayurvedic herbs in our diet will help us get rid of the ailments that bother us frequently. Having an Ayurvedic herbs list handy will help us take care of ourselves without using too many health spoiling medications. Ayurveda offers an effective management of life style diseases by:

  • Aids in weight management in a natural way
  • Detoxifies your body and purifies your blood
  • Improves your digestion and other bodily functions
  • Helps retain your glowing and youthful-looking skin
  • Improves your overall vitality
  • Boosts your physical and mental health
  • Rejuvenates body

How to approach for a Healthier life?

Ayurveda is all about understanding that being healthy is your natural state. If you and your environment are in balance, that’s considered optimum health and the opposite goes for being unbalanced.  For instance, if you feel anxious or are suffering from health issues like constipation or generally lethargic-ness, it is simply a matter of being out of balance. Ayurveda gives you out of these complexities that bind you into unbalanced life.

To detoxify the body

We eat so as to live. If we don’t eat, our body will feel weak and there will be lack of energy. Detoxification doesn’t mean to go on a diet that allows you organic or raw food. Detoxification of the body refers to the process of getting rid of toxins from the body. Our body should flush out the waste on time else it will be toxic materials. Also, it means incurring such habits that will keep you on track.

Many Ayurvedic drugs encourage a good digestive system and also make way for the overall cleansing of the body. They work on the process of Panchakarma that stands for eliminating all the impurities. Ayurvedic oils and massage help the body in getting rid of such impurities.

The best part is that it has no side effects

Modern kinds of health products make use of those things that might harm your body. However, natural health products make use of all those things which will prove gentle on your body. They will never create any health issues like gastrointestinal issues, drowsiness or dizziness. Ayurveda is the traditional form of medicine and it has helped millions of people in creating healthier and better lives.

Ayurvedic medicine may have certain contraindications and the potential for adverse effects or side effects. For example, if you’re allergic to some substance and in-taking that ingredient in the medicine might trouble you. So, consult a doctor before you consume anything directly without consultation.

Ayurvedic tablets are the result of years of research and content analysis that various herbs and organic substances are mixed together in appropriate ratios to get the medicine for the appropriate disease. In the modern era Ayurvedic  manufactures develops Patent Products & Proprietary Products which has their exclusive collections. Ayurvedic immunity boosting tablets, Ayurvedic cough tablet, Kashayam tablets, Herbal tablets ,  Tablets of classical choornas and kashayas such as Sudarsanam tablet, Gulgulupanchapalam tablet, Prasaranyadi tablet, Ashta choornam tablet, Padhyashadangam tablet, Padolamooladi tablet, Ayurvedic supplements for all lifestyle  disorders such as Blood pressure, Diabetis, High cholesterol, Degenerative diseases, Autoimmune diseases, Nutritional and digestive disorders, Mental health supplements ,Genitourinary diseases , Rejuvenative formulations, Tablet formulations for pain management such as back pain, Rheumatic and osteoarthritic pain  etc.

Bipha Healthcare has different formulations for various diseases in the form as Classical Tablets, Kashaya Caplets, its own Patent & Proprietary Products.

Kashaya caplets with enhanced strength that is equivalent to 7.5ml of double concentrated Kashayam emphasize on the management of rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis, autoimmune diseases, fever and related complications, respiratory problems and skin diseases

Classical tablets are the tablet form of classical choorna yogas mentioned in various Ayurvedic treatises emphasize on the management of lifestyle diseases, skin diseases, Respiratory problems, Gastrointestinal diseases etc

Single herb supplements such as Aswagandha, Guduchi,  Tumeric, Shilajith etc. Mainly aids as nutritional supplements and  helps to combat inflammatory diseases and also provide a healthy body and mind

Then comes Patent Products & Proprietary Products which are exclusive and unique products that Bipha Healthcare offers to its customers. With special-purpose tablets helps to combat systemic diseases (diseases of respiratory, digestive, neurological, cardiac system, urinary system etc.), inflammatory diseases, degenerative diseases , Bone & joint pain etc.

The miracles and benefits of Ayurvedic medicines are not restricted to just these listed above. Instead, Ayurvedic medicines/ products have a lot more to offer. You only need to begin adopting its ways, and you will notice the positivity that they bring to your healthy life ahead.

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